Html Tags and Attributes i.e Objects And iFrames



Object Tag and its Attributes

1. <object>...</object> 

    The Object tag describes an embedded file type including audio , videos , pdf's , additional pages and        more

Let's check some of the attributes of Object tag which are as follows ...

  • height = ""

    the height attribute describes the height of an object which we had to give in pixels.

  • width= ""

    the width attribute describes the width of an object which we had to give in pixels.

  • type = ""

    the type attribute describes which media type the data contains.

  • usemap = ""

    the usemap attribute describes the name of the client side map within object. 


 iFrame Tag and its Attributes

  1. <iframe>...</iframe> 

    The iFrame tag contains an inline frame that allows you to embed externel information into an existing document

Let's check some of the attributes of Object tag which are as follows ...

  • name = ""

    the name attribute describes the name of the iframe.

  • src = ""

    the src attribute describes the url source of the original document of embed inside the iFrame.

  • srcdoc = ""

    this contains the actual html content to display inside the iframe on current page.

  • width = ""

    defines the width of the iframe.

Hence, this is all about the Object and Iframe tags and their respective attributes

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