Inside Loader | Html Css And JavaScript With Free Source Code

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In This Project Technologies Are Used Is As Follows :-)

  • HTML
  • CSS

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<html lang="en" >
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>CodeAtNow - AI Inside Loader</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css">

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body {
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html {
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svg {
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.ell, #ai {
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gsap.config({trialWarn: false});
let select = s => document.querySelector(s),
		toArray = s => gsap.utils.toArray(s),
		mainSVG = select('#mainSVG'),
		allEll = toArray('.ell'),
		colorArr = ['#359EEE', '#FFC43D','#EF476F','#03CEA4']

let colorInterp = gsap.utils.interpolate(colorArr);

gsap.set(mainSVG, {
	visibility: 'visible'

function animate (el, count) {
	let tl = gsap.timeline({
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	gsap.set(el, {
		opacity:1- count/(allEll.length),
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	}), {
	attr: {
		ry: `-=${count*2.3}`,
		rx: `+=${count*1.4}`
	ease: ''
.to(el, {
	attr: {
		ry: `+=${count*2.3}`,
		rx: `-=${count*1.4}`
	ease: 'sine'
.to(el, {
	duration: 1,
	rotation: -180,
	transformOrigin: '50% 50%'
}, 0).timeScale(0.5)
allEll.forEach((c, i) => {
	gsap.delayedCall(i/(allEll.length-1), animate, [c, i+1])
})'#aiGrad', {
	duration: 4,
	delay: 0.75,
	attr: {
		x1: '-=300',
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	scale: 1.2,
	transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
	repeat: -1,
	ease: 'none'
})'#ai', {
	duration: 1,
	scale: 1.1,
	transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
	repeat: -1,
	yoyo: true,
	ease: 'sine.inOut'

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